Parc W du Niger
Park Overview
Parc W du Niger is a transboundary biosphere reserve that spans a significant area of over 10,000 square kilometers. This park is named after the W-shaped meander of the Niger River that dominates the landscape. It is characterized by its diverse ecosystems, which include wetlands, savannahs, and forests, providing a habitat for a wide array of wildlife.

The park's main feature is its rich biodiversity; it is home to several endangered species such as the West African lion, African bush elephant, and the West African wild dog. It also supports large populations of herbivores like buffaloes, antelopes, and warthogs, which in turn attract a variety of predators. The park's rivers and ponds are teeming with life, including hippopotamuses and Nile crocodiles, making it a vital sanctuary for aquatic species as well. Birdwatchers can find a paradise here, with over 350 recorded bird species, including both resident and migratory birds

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